Our proxies are tried and true. With more than 99% uptime, your only worry should be "when will we have more stock?" Click the button below to find out more.
Need support? Join our discord server today to get in touch with one of support members.
Our proxies are blazing fast. We offer some of the fastest speeds to nearly every site.
The Discord support team is always one message away to help with any questions or concerns you may have.
We will always deliver in time for the drop. On top of that, we usually leave them open an extra hour or two just in case of those indidental restocks.
We strive to have competitive prices. See another provider offering the same speeds as ours at a lower cost? Let us know, and we will do our best to accomodate.
By default, all proxies will be held behind a username and password. You may view your order in the dashboard.
Need more proxies? Or need a different plan? Join our Discord server and get in touch with us to see what we can do!
A proxy is a server in which you can use to connect to your favorite sites. These are most commonly used when botting, so that you may run multiple tasks, as well as not get banned (also they *usually* will have lower latency too!)
If you're completely new to botting, we suggest watching a few YouTube videos to help understand this. However, in layman's terms, it really depends on which site(s) you will be running on. We offer Shopify, SNKRS, Supreme, Adidas, Off White, and even more sites as well.
Again, watching videos really helps explain this better than this sentence ever could. But, it really boils down to the latency between the server you're running, and the location of the proxies you have. As a general rule of thumb, you should always purchase proxies closest to your server location, and have that combination be as close as possible to Shopify's Datacenter (located in Ontario).
We're working on it! In the instance that your order isn't delivered instantly, give us a few hours to square things away. After that, if they still haven't been delievered, please feel free to open a ticket in our Discord server so we can be in communication with you. As always, we appreciate your patience!
Most bots will have a built-in proxy tester, which you should always use (if you plan on running that bot). However, we do not recommend repeated testing in any tester, as you run the risk of them getting banned and/or throttled.
Renewing your plan is quite simple. In your dashboard, you will see an icon next to your active order. In order to renew your plan, just click on that icon, and it'll ask for your payment. We ask that all renewals are in by two days before your plan ends to ensure we can get you a fresh list for next month. However, you can renew your list at any time throughout the month, and it'll just add an extra 30 days. At the end of the original plan's duration, we will swap your list to get you fresh IPs.
Here are all of our current social media accounts.